Having your own audio products will set you apart from the many other leaders in your industry, serve the auditory learners in your target market, and save you time. It is much easier, faster, and cost-effective to record an audio than it is to record a video. Think about it...no glam squad needed, no nervous jitters about appearing on camera, and no stress about finding the right lighting.
Here are 3 tips to help you to create better audio products:
- Raise Your Vibration
you are creating and recording your audios. Being in a negative mood or having
any feelings of lack/limitation can block your sales. Choose your best time of day to
work on your audio project and choose to feel happy when you do so.
- Record in Segments
in segments. For example, record your intro, then save and export it. Next, record
step 1, then save and export it. Repeat. Each section can be merged together after
it's edited.
- Add Music
value to your audio. You can use music throughout the entire audio or fade in/out
for your intro and outro. Remember, to use royalty-free music only to prevent any
copyright violations and future legal troubles.
Royalty-free music is music where the creator waives all rights to current and future
royalties. There are paid and free royalty-free music resources. You'll get a list of
legitimate free sites for royalty-free music in the Empire Institute step-by-step audio
training. The music sites listed have instrumentals, nature sounds, sound effects,
binaural sounds, and more for your audio product needs.
Your Turn! Comment below and let me know what tips you have for creating audio products and what types of audios you're interested in creating. As always, I'll come back and join in the conversation :)
This article may be re-printed as long as you include the information below:
Sarah Aderson is The Authority that conscious entrepreneurs depend on to help them
transform their services into digital and physical products. Like Sarah, these
changemakers understand that products allow them to expand their movements, build
generational wealth, and positively impact the world. She empowers you to build an
empire instead of a business.
Sarah is an international speaker, bestselling author, and empire strategist. Her services and products are infused with infinite love. When she's not creating products, you can find Sarah in Atlanta, GA enjoying trail mix and time with her awesome son.
Learn more about Sarah's work at www.expandyourheart.org
Pick up your complimentary 2-Hour Product Creation training here.