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Sarah Aderson is an international speaker, Leg-a-SHE Strategist, and co-author of the international bestselling book Motherhood Dreams & Success: You Can Have It All! She empowers women entrepreneurs to charge what they're worth so they can leave a legacy not only for their family, but the world. Sarah transforms your business into an empire. Sarah packages your passion into digital and physical products.
Learn more about Sarah's work at
Pick up your complimentary Work Smarter e-book here.
Sarah Aderson is an international speaker, Leg-a-SHE Strategist, and co-author of the international bestselling book Motherhood Dreams & Success: You Can Have It All! She empowers women entrepreneurs to charge what they're worth so they can leave a legacy not only for their family, but the world. Sarah transforms your business into an empire. Sarah packages your passion into digital and physical products.
Learn more about Sarah's work at
Pick up your complimentary Work Smarter e-book here.
Can Bright Shiny Object Syndrome be cured? Unfortunately no, but it can be managed. There are so many amazing products and courses and you want them all, right? Me, too. I'm sure you and I both have quite a bit of "Shelf Help." That's all of the e-books, courses, and software that hasn't gotten used and is sitting on a virtual shelf.
Don't go beating yourself up, know that it's perfectly normal. You should always be learning. It's easy to get overzealous. Follow this process and you'll save thousands of dollars on purchases made with good intentions and channel your inner CEO:
Tune-up your Intuition
Always go with your gut is sage advice, however the station can get fuzzy when you're in the heat of the moment. Grab a notepad and a pen. Take a few moments to sit still in silence and breathe deeply.
Step 1: Say the word "YES" aloud. Notice how your body feels. Where are your shoulders? Are your lips relaxed? Write down your observations.
Step 2: Say the word "NO" aloud. Again, notice how your body feels. Where do you feel tension? Where is there tightness? Write down your observations.
Step 3: Say the word "MAYBE" aloud. Notice how your body feels. How is it different from the previous responses? Write down your observations.
Test your intuition
Now, that you've completed your intuition tune-up, you're ready to test it. Say, "My name is (insert real name)." The responses in your body should match up to step 1. Feel free to insert someone else's name and observe how your responses match up to step 2. Pretty cool, right?
The next time you consider purchasing a product or course, pause for a moment. Ask yourself "Is this purchase in my highest and best good?" Your body will never lie to you. Trust the answer you receive and act accordingly. Repeat the process as often as necessary.
You've just tapped into your inner CEO that knows what's in your highest and best good at all times. This process is called muscle-testing. There are several different methods, but this is one of the simplest. Remember to use yes and no questions. I'd love to hear your results. Leave a comment and share your intuition tune-up results.
Don't go beating yourself up, know that it's perfectly normal. You should always be learning. It's easy to get overzealous. Follow this process and you'll save thousands of dollars on purchases made with good intentions and channel your inner CEO:
Tune-up your Intuition
Always go with your gut is sage advice, however the station can get fuzzy when you're in the heat of the moment. Grab a notepad and a pen. Take a few moments to sit still in silence and breathe deeply.
Step 1: Say the word "YES" aloud. Notice how your body feels. Where are your shoulders? Are your lips relaxed? Write down your observations.
Step 2: Say the word "NO" aloud. Again, notice how your body feels. Where do you feel tension? Where is there tightness? Write down your observations.
Step 3: Say the word "MAYBE" aloud. Notice how your body feels. How is it different from the previous responses? Write down your observations.
Test your intuition
Now, that you've completed your intuition tune-up, you're ready to test it. Say, "My name is (insert real name)." The responses in your body should match up to step 1. Feel free to insert someone else's name and observe how your responses match up to step 2. Pretty cool, right?
The next time you consider purchasing a product or course, pause for a moment. Ask yourself "Is this purchase in my highest and best good?" Your body will never lie to you. Trust the answer you receive and act accordingly. Repeat the process as often as necessary.
You've just tapped into your inner CEO that knows what's in your highest and best good at all times. This process is called muscle-testing. There are several different methods, but this is one of the simplest. Remember to use yes and no questions. I'd love to hear your results. Leave a comment and share your intuition tune-up results.