Have you written your book yet? Is your online course available on your website? What about that training you signed up for, did you finish it? No, not yet? I'm not here to beat you up. I've struggled with procrastination for many years until I looked deeper into why I was preventing myself from doing what I needed to do, in order to get what I said I wanted.
There's no denying that you're very talented and capable of completing all of your goals and so much more. Unfortunately, procrastination pops up its ugly head. Each new goal leads to a whack-a-mole game with procrastination cloaked as perfectionism. Instead of whacking it on the head, you're just letting it taunt you while you occupy yourself with something else. Ignoring it doesn't make it go away though.
Time and time again you justify your inactivity by saying to yourself that "it's not perfect" or "it's not professional enough for my clientele". There's nothing wrong with wanting to do your best and give your best. However, nothing and no one will ever be perfect. The quest for perfection isn't what's stopping you. In reality, you're actually fearful of it not being perfect and that you'll be judged by others. Once you accept that these are your real reasons for not taking action to achieve the goals that you so desperately crave, then and only then can you free yourself from this self-inflicted pain.
I jokingly refer to myself as a recovering perfectionist, but there's a lot of truth in my statement. The fear of a product, speech or program still rears its ugly head now and again. But I don't just stand there anymore and let it steal my joy. Now, I whack it on the head with the mighty truth. I accept that, in that moment, I feel vulnerable and scared. I allow myself to feel whatever comes up without attaching blame or belittling myself for feeling this way. Then, I ask myself "What's the truth here?" The truth is that my product, speech or program can help someone - even if it's only one person. This truth allows me to focus on one of my key motivators and that's enough to keep me moving forward.
You've come so far. Stopping just isn't an option. If it was, then those ideas would simply vanish into the cosmos forever. But they don't. The same idea keeps showing up in your thoughts or something will trigger the original thought. It will not go away until you take action!
Don't let another day, week, or year go by with a list of unaccomplished visions for yourself and your empire. Acknowledge that you're fearful, accept your feelings, allow your feelings to exist without judgement, and then focus on your truth - your key motivator for sharing your gifts with the world.
I'd love to hear what your key motivators are for bravely pursuing your dreams. Leave a comment below and I'll come back to join in the conversation.
There's no denying that you're very talented and capable of completing all of your goals and so much more. Unfortunately, procrastination pops up its ugly head. Each new goal leads to a whack-a-mole game with procrastination cloaked as perfectionism. Instead of whacking it on the head, you're just letting it taunt you while you occupy yourself with something else. Ignoring it doesn't make it go away though.
Time and time again you justify your inactivity by saying to yourself that "it's not perfect" or "it's not professional enough for my clientele". There's nothing wrong with wanting to do your best and give your best. However, nothing and no one will ever be perfect. The quest for perfection isn't what's stopping you. In reality, you're actually fearful of it not being perfect and that you'll be judged by others. Once you accept that these are your real reasons for not taking action to achieve the goals that you so desperately crave, then and only then can you free yourself from this self-inflicted pain.
I jokingly refer to myself as a recovering perfectionist, but there's a lot of truth in my statement. The fear of a product, speech or program still rears its ugly head now and again. But I don't just stand there anymore and let it steal my joy. Now, I whack it on the head with the mighty truth. I accept that, in that moment, I feel vulnerable and scared. I allow myself to feel whatever comes up without attaching blame or belittling myself for feeling this way. Then, I ask myself "What's the truth here?" The truth is that my product, speech or program can help someone - even if it's only one person. This truth allows me to focus on one of my key motivators and that's enough to keep me moving forward.
You've come so far. Stopping just isn't an option. If it was, then those ideas would simply vanish into the cosmos forever. But they don't. The same idea keeps showing up in your thoughts or something will trigger the original thought. It will not go away until you take action!
Don't let another day, week, or year go by with a list of unaccomplished visions for yourself and your empire. Acknowledge that you're fearful, accept your feelings, allow your feelings to exist without judgement, and then focus on your truth - your key motivator for sharing your gifts with the world.
I'd love to hear what your key motivators are for bravely pursuing your dreams. Leave a comment below and I'll come back to join in the conversation.