To be profitable in business you need to generate sales. Customer behavior has changed significantly in the last decade. Your clients don't like to be sold to. The pushy and aggressive approach is off-putting. This is actually a good thing for you because you're not a pushy salesperson anyway.
So, how do you get them to buy, if you don't sell? You invite your clients to work with you to solve their problem. It's about building a relationship and delivering value. Some will warm up to you faster than others and that's okay.
Stop using the generic sales funnel approach where you push everyone through one entrance. Instead, create a Relationship Highway™. Just like a highway, your clients are going to access your services at different points and get in specific lanes. Your free opt-in gift, blogs, webinars, etc allow your clients to get to know you. You should focus on the method that best utilizes your strengths.
Let's say you're a wellness coach that works with moms. One lane is for losing weight after pregnancy. Another lane is for quick and healthy meals. In each lane there are common traffic hazards (problems). Your services and products represent roadside assistance (solution). You aren't selling, you're serving them. They need your services desperately.
As you serve them, invite them to join you in getting to their destination. The sales, referrals, and testimonials will come. For assistance in designing your Relationship Highway™ schedule your complimentary Build an Empire Strategy Session. Also, comment below and share the lanes your clients are in.
So, how do you get them to buy, if you don't sell? You invite your clients to work with you to solve their problem. It's about building a relationship and delivering value. Some will warm up to you faster than others and that's okay.
Stop using the generic sales funnel approach where you push everyone through one entrance. Instead, create a Relationship Highway™. Just like a highway, your clients are going to access your services at different points and get in specific lanes. Your free opt-in gift, blogs, webinars, etc allow your clients to get to know you. You should focus on the method that best utilizes your strengths.
Let's say you're a wellness coach that works with moms. One lane is for losing weight after pregnancy. Another lane is for quick and healthy meals. In each lane there are common traffic hazards (problems). Your services and products represent roadside assistance (solution). You aren't selling, you're serving them. They need your services desperately.
As you serve them, invite them to join you in getting to their destination. The sales, referrals, and testimonials will come. For assistance in designing your Relationship Highway™ schedule your complimentary Build an Empire Strategy Session. Also, comment below and share the lanes your clients are in.
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Sarah Aderson is an international speaker, Leg-a-SHE Strategist, and co-author of the international bestselling book Motherhood Dreams & Success: You Can Have It All! She empowers women entrepreneurs to charge what they're worth so they can leave a legacy not only for their family, but the world. Sarah transforms your business into an empire. Sarah packages your passion into digital and physical products.
Learn more about Sarah's work at www.expandyourheart.org
Pick up your complimentary Work Smarter e-book here.
Learn more about Sarah's work at www.expandyourheart.org
Pick up your complimentary Work Smarter e-book here.