I have a confession to make. When I took the gigantic leap to leave corporate in 2012 to pursue my purpose of helping other entrepreneurs, my confidence was very low. The corporate environment had become so toxic that it caused me to question my own value as a human being. I didn't trust myself to make the right decisions. When I left I felt beaten down, but I kept pushing forward. A part of me has always known that I am valuable, worthy of success, and have the ability to make the right decisions for me in the moment. That part of me was my heart.
Unfortunately, the knowingness of my heart was drowned out by my brain. My brain was constantly looping thoughts of unworthiness, doubt, and judgment. They were never-ending. I even found myself being negative and complaining more than ever before.
Then SHIFT happened. I had enough awareness in 2012 to know that I needed to rebuild myself - my confidence, sense of identity, and spiritual connection. As I took steps to build my company I relentlessly worked on my personal development. I read books, attended webinars, watched The Secret (again and again). One day on a webinar the speaker said "Your thoughts are not yours". I felt like the turkey that receives the presidential pardon on Thanksgiving. It made complete sense. At no fault of my own, I had accepted the beliefs of my parents, teachers, and society as truths. My brain was simply replaying all of those limiting beliefs. As a result, I was always in survival mode. I was fearful and anxious about not having enough.
Albert Einstein said no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. So now, with this newfound understanding I had to create new beliefs. I had to replace the belief that life is hard with the belief that the universe is conspiring for my good. I began to create beliefs that supported the happiness and success that I wanted in life. My fearful thoughts and behaviors were replaced with loving ones.
It definitely was and is a process. At times it felt like my heart and head were in a wrestling match. I've learned that the mind can cause havoc if you don't manage it. Instead of being it's victim, I manage my mind daily. I nourish my mind with optimism. Fill it with uplifting music. Feed it declarations of success. Enjoy a news-free diet. Detoxify my life of all that no longer serves me.
I have positive reminders everywhere - my car, kitchen, bathroom mirror, laptop, etc. I used to use post-its, but they weren't pretty enough for me. That's why I created my own decals and cards. I even changed the common GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) computer term into a Good In Good Out mantra. We should all be surrounded by beautiful things that make us smile. We all deserve an abundance of happiness and prosperity. It does take consistent effort to create the belief that you can be, do, & have it all...but it is so worth it!
Your Turn! Leave a comment below and tell me how you're going to retrain your brain. I read and respond to every post.
Ready to declare success in your finances, relationships, business, and life? The Declare Success Computer Decals™ will retrain your brain for success so you can live the life you want.
Unfortunately, the knowingness of my heart was drowned out by my brain. My brain was constantly looping thoughts of unworthiness, doubt, and judgment. They were never-ending. I even found myself being negative and complaining more than ever before.
Then SHIFT happened. I had enough awareness in 2012 to know that I needed to rebuild myself - my confidence, sense of identity, and spiritual connection. As I took steps to build my company I relentlessly worked on my personal development. I read books, attended webinars, watched The Secret (again and again). One day on a webinar the speaker said "Your thoughts are not yours". I felt like the turkey that receives the presidential pardon on Thanksgiving. It made complete sense. At no fault of my own, I had accepted the beliefs of my parents, teachers, and society as truths. My brain was simply replaying all of those limiting beliefs. As a result, I was always in survival mode. I was fearful and anxious about not having enough.
Albert Einstein said no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. So now, with this newfound understanding I had to create new beliefs. I had to replace the belief that life is hard with the belief that the universe is conspiring for my good. I began to create beliefs that supported the happiness and success that I wanted in life. My fearful thoughts and behaviors were replaced with loving ones.
It definitely was and is a process. At times it felt like my heart and head were in a wrestling match. I've learned that the mind can cause havoc if you don't manage it. Instead of being it's victim, I manage my mind daily. I nourish my mind with optimism. Fill it with uplifting music. Feed it declarations of success. Enjoy a news-free diet. Detoxify my life of all that no longer serves me.
I have positive reminders everywhere - my car, kitchen, bathroom mirror, laptop, etc. I used to use post-its, but they weren't pretty enough for me. That's why I created my own decals and cards. I even changed the common GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) computer term into a Good In Good Out mantra. We should all be surrounded by beautiful things that make us smile. We all deserve an abundance of happiness and prosperity. It does take consistent effort to create the belief that you can be, do, & have it all...but it is so worth it!
Your Turn! Leave a comment below and tell me how you're going to retrain your brain. I read and respond to every post.
Ready to declare success in your finances, relationships, business, and life? The Declare Success Computer Decals™ will retrain your brain for success so you can live the life you want.
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Sarah Aderson is a product creator, an international speaker, Leg-a-SHE Strategist, and international bestselling author. She empowers purposeful entrepreneurs to charge what they're worth so they can leave a legacy not only for their family, but the world. Sarah transforms your business into an empire. Sarah packages your passion into digital and physical products. Her products inspire heart workers to expand their hearts, release all that no longer serves them, and trust that they deserve the best.
Learn more about Sarah's work at www.expandyourheart.org
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